The scientific program consist of oral presentations, selected from the submitted contributions. All other contributions will be presented as posters. The posters will be highlighted during a poster clip sessions, where the authors will have the opportunity to orally present their work as a "2-minute commercial" (maximum 2 slides ).
All the contributions to the conference proceedings, no matter whether they are selected as oral or poster, must be written using the template that you find in MS Word or PDF document.
The extended abstract maximum length is 2 pages of A4 paper (210mm x 297mm, portrait, printable area 160mm x 240mm). Underline the presenting author. E-mail address of the corresponding author should be placed in the affiliation field. Do NOT print a page number. If you need to include figures, EPS (encapsulated postscript) figures produced by Adobe PS driver are acceptable. Use only Times/Helvetica/Courier/Symbol/Arial/Times New Roman fonts. This restriction also applies to figures.
We prefer that you sent us the extended abstract in .pdf format.